Thursday 11 July 2013

Evidence of me leading a rigging session

These are some pictures of me talking to the riggers at the top of the ladder and telling them where I want each light to be plugged into. They also add in the gells I have selected. It is very important for me to lead the rigging session effectively and efficiently so that every light is rigged quickly and correctly. It was there fore important that I had all the relevant documents such as Colour Call ( list of the gell colours, how many that are needed and for which light) , Lighting Plan (where the light is in relation to the rig) and Focus notes ( which way and where each light is to be focused). It was also important to have effective communication skills during this session as there were allot of people to organise and manage.

1 comment:

  1. beam 230 moving head light is a good choice, but the light pattern is very important
